A group of students form a circle to discuss, conduct a lab experiment, or engage in another observable event while other students surround these students, observing the ongoing activity. Students should rotate places.
Co-Curricular (experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning) Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!
Universal Design of Learning Adaptations
Coming Soon!
Online Adaptations
Coming Soon!
Additional Resources
Intan, I. (2019). Applying Fishbowl Technique to Enhance Students’ Speaking Ability at Eleventh GradeStudent of SMA 1 TUTAR (Doctoral dissertation, IAIN Parepare): https://repository.iainpare.ac.id/id/eprint/1234/
Nisa, R. (2016). Cooperative Teaching-Learning using the Fishbowl Technique for teaching reading. English education journal, 7(3), 298-310: https://jurnal.usk.ac.id/EEJ/article/view/4585