At any point during the class, the instructor can pause to have the learners answer questions anonymously. This can be followed by a chance to compare their answers before repolling to see if there was a change in responses.
Co-Curricular (experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning) Members of the student conduct board are asked to write a recommendation for disciplinary action following a conduct hearing.
Universal Design of Learning Adaptations
Coming Soon!
Online Adaptations
Coming Soon!
Additional Resources
Arjomandi, A., PALOYO, A., & Suardi, S. (2023). Active learning and academic performance: the case of real-time interactive student polling. Statistics Education Research Journal, 22(1), 3-3:
Nova Southeastern University. 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317. Tel: 954-262-5389; Fax: 954-262-3970; Web site:
Mezmir, E. A. (2020). Qualitative Data Analysis: An overview of data reduction, data display and interpretation. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences.