Instead of writing notes for a class period, encourage your students to take notes by drawing small pictures depicting the class material to help students distill the concepts.
Detail of undergraduate student Jackson Mitchell’s interior design sketches in a Lamar Dodd School of Art studio.
Individual/Group Activity
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Class Size
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Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
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Development Initial
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Minimum Time to Facilitate
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MinimumTimeto Debrief
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Discipline-Specific Examples
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Please contact us at with an example to include!
Co-Curricular (experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning) Please contact us at with an example to include!
Gansemer-Topf, A. M., Paepcke-Hjeltness, V., Russell, A. E., & Schiltz, J. (2021). “Drawing” your Own Conclusions: Sketchnoting as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Ecology. Innovative Higher Education, 46, 303-319: