During a lecture, the instructor pauses at critical points to allow students/learners to catch up on their notes and then exchange them with their neighbors to discuss information they may have missed or written down differently.
Individual/Group Activity
Class Size
Small (<25)
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
Development Initial
Transitional Knowing
Minimum Time to Facilitate
16-30 Minutes
MinimumTimeto Debrief
<5 Minutes
Discipline-Specific Examples
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!
Co-Curricular (experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning) Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!
Harahap, K. (2017). Improving students’ achievement in writing narrative text through chain story technique at second grade of Mts Al-Washliyah Tembung (Doctoral dissertation, State Islamic University of North Sumatera): http://repository.uinsu.ac.id/2648/
Uktolseja, L. J., & Gaspersz, S. (2019). Implementation of chain story techniques to improve english speaking ability at imanuel YPK vocational high school, Sorong City. Journal of education and learning (edulearn), 13(4), 490-497: https://edulearn.intelektual.org/index.php/EduLearn/article/view/13327