Interested in research on whether or not active learning improves students’ academic success?
An Umbrella IRB Protocol allows multiple similar research projects to be conducted under one IRB application. In our case, the CTL maintains and manages this Active Learning Umbrella IRB in service to UGA, hopefully making it relatively straightforward for you to conduct your research while adhering to important policies and procedures governing research involving human beings.
Project Eligibility
Projects under this Umbrella IRB must:
- Fit under the umbrella research question: Has active learning improved students’ academic success?
- Include only project personnel who have completed their human subjects training as required by UGA’s IRB. This will typically include completing CITI training modules for Social & Behavioral Research and Social & Behavioral Research — Internet.
- Include the use of a student consent form that follows our Umbrella IRB template (if the study includes a collection of sensitive and/or FERPA-protected data).
- Investigate pedagogical techniques (e.g., textbook comparison studies would not be eligible).
Projects under this Umbrella IRB may not:
- Investigate teaching in k-12 schools.
- Incorporate interaction with non-university students or with students younger than 18.
Getting Started
To get started select the “START APPLICATION” button below to complete and submit this form. The CTL’s PI for this Umbrella IRB will get back to you soon with more information and/or follow-up questions.
To complete this form you will need the following information:
- Names & UGA email addresses of study team members.
- Articulation of your project’s research question(s).
- Intended study timeframe.
- Description of your target study population/participants and how you will recruit them.
- Data: description of what data you will collect, how you plan to collect it, and how you will store sensitive or FERPA-protected data.
- Consent form: explanation of how you plan to distribute your consent form.
Questions? Please contact Ruth Poproski via ruth.poproski@uga.edu.