Active Learning Course Redesign Excellence Program

Active learning strategies involve students constructing knowledge and understanding by engaging them in the learning process through activities that promote higher-order thinking. An abundance of research studies on the effectiveness of active learning in the college classroom point to improved student engagement, long-term retention of course content, improved competencies, and high course grades.

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is excited to announce the Active Learning Course Redesign Excellence (AL-CRDx ) program. This program is set to launch its inaugural cohort in Spring 2025. The AL-CRDx program is designed to support instructors who have gained essential knowledge from the Active Learning Workshop Series to incorporate robust active learning practices into a target course during a semester-long course redesign process (January to April). Along with Active Learning Summer Institute (ALSI), completing the AL-CRDx program leads to UGA’s Active Learning Leader Certificate, advancing university-wide adoption of active learning.


The AL-CRDx program is open to full-time faculty of all ranks. Instructors who satisfy one or both of the following prerequisites are eligible to apply for the AL-CRDx program:

  • Completion of a minimum of eight workshops from the Active Learning Workshop Series (all four Fundamental workshops and four Special Topics workshops of your choice) by the end of the Fall semester of the application year; and/or
  • Prior completion of the Active Learning Summer Institute. Candidates who have previously completed the Active Learning Summer Institute are invited to submit a proposal to redesign another course using active learning pedagogy
Program Expectations

The AL-CRDx offers instructors a supported course redesign process, including workshop sessions and structured work time, consultative support from CTL faculty, and collegial support from cohort members as participants engage in active learning course redesign work over the spring semester.

Participants in the program will be expected to:
✔ Attend all scheduled sessions and workshops (occurring twice a month during January – April, as noted in the Program Schedule Review) during the Spring semester;
✔ Complete course redesign work started during the AL-CRDx program, for implementation in the following academic year;
✔ Completion of pre- and post-assessment surveys about current teaching practices and turn in existing course artifacts (e.g., syllabus) before and after participation in the AL-CRDx program;
✔ Submit draft course artifacts by designated deadlines during the course redesign process, in line with the work done during the duration of the program;
✔ Meet with your designated CTL consultant in April and at least once between the end of the AL-CRDx program and the first day of your redesigned course;
✔ Schedule a Mid-Semester Formative Evaluation with the CTL in the first semester of implementation of the course redesign.
✔ Prepare a poster (don’t worry, we’ll help you!) to present at the 2026 Active Learning Summit (details TBD in coordination with the Office of Active Learning)
✔ Coordinate with QEP leadership to provide students in the AL-CRDx course with a reflection prompt for three semesters following the course redesign as part of QEP assessment efforts.

Upon successful completion of the AL-CRDx program, instructors will receive a $5,000 stipend, eligible for use as salary or operating expenses.

Program Schedule Overview

In this program, scheduled Friday sessions will include discussions of course design, active learning pedagogy, and other evidence-based teaching practices, workshops to explore the application od pedagogical techniques, and structured work time where faculty will make progress on the design of their course. Participants will work towards finalizing their redesigned courses for implementation during the 2025-2026 academic year. Note that the AL-CRDx program is designed to align with UGA’s Spring Semester, and participation in all scheduled sessions is required for this program

January 2025Welcome & Course Design 101
January 17 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)

January 31 (Friday)
9:00 am – Noon
During the first month, you will meet your AL-CRDx colleagues and your CTL consultants. Find out what to expect as a participant in this program, kick off with the Backward Design approach, and then focus on the fundamentals of course design. We will write and revise course learning outcomes and consider contextual factors that impact everything about how we teach, engage, and assess our students
February 2025Assessments: Basics, Planning, and Implementation
February 14 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)

February 28 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)
In February, we will learn about the landscape of assessment, focus on the nuts and bolts of assessment tools, and explore the use of formative assessments of student learning. Building out from our learning outcomes, we will look through the lens of transparency in learning and teaching to enhance our ability to engage students in major assignments.
March 2025Course Structure and Instructional Choices
March 14 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. – Noon

March 28 (Friday)
9:00 a.m.- Noon
In March, we will get to the fundamentals of lesson planning, explore principles of Universal Design for Learning, and explore effective instructional strategies to build a supportive learning environment. We will prepare you to plan and make the most of the first day(s) of class.
April 2025Wrapping Up: An Ending and A Beginning
April 11 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. – Noon

April 25 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)
In our final two meetings, we will step back and take a broader view of the course redesign process. You will have a one-on-one session with your CTL consultant to discuss your redesign course. We’ll conclude by reflecting both backward and forward: where we’ve come and where we have yet to go.
Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on:

1. Scope of course redesign:

Consider the extent to which the proposed course is anticipated to be redesigned with active learning. Highlight specific changes in course structure, teaching approach, and any existing challenges with the purposes behind this transformation.

2. Anticipated impacts:

The expected impacts of the proposed course redesign on both instructors and students. This includes but is not limited to, enrollment numbers, curricula or pedagogical development, and student development of knowledge skills.

3. Sustainability:

Evidence that the proposed adoption of active learning and evidence-based teaching practices for the redesigned course will likely be sustained beyond the program duration.

4. Readiness and commitment:

Applicants’ readiness and availability to actively participate throughout the course design process during the spring semester. This involves attending all sessions and completing course redesign action items between meetings, with implementation planned for the following academic year.

5. Alignment with other University initiatives:

Consider the proposed course redesign aligned with broader university initiatives. This encompasses the redesign of gateway courses (i.e., introductory courses or a prerequisite), general education courses, major requirements, and multidisciplinary studies. Focus on improvements that bolster student competencies in writing and communication skills.

Timeline & Selection Process

To apply to the AL-CRDx program, applicants will submit the following:

  • Your responses to a set of application questions (a Word template containing these questions is provided at the top of the link above).
  • Confirmation of teaching the proposed courses for the academic year 2025-2026.
  • Commitment to meeting the expectations, if being accepted into the AL-CRDx program.
  • A support letter from your dean, associate dean, or department head (a Word template for this support letter is provided in the form).

All applications will be submitted via online form (link above) by 5:00 p.m., September 9, 2024. Applicants will be notified of their standing in the selection process in early October 2024.

For further information, contact Ching-Yu Huang, Associate Director for Active Learning Initiatives, at