Analytic Memos

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Individual/Group Activity Individually
Class SizeSmall (<25)
Medium (25-50)
Bloom’s Taxonomy LevelAnalyze
Development InitialTransitional Knowing
Minimum Time to FacilitateOutside of Class
Minimum Time to DebriefVaries
Ways of Knowing
(more here)
Discipline-Specific Examples

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Students/learners write a brief (1 to 2 pages) analysis of a real-world problem or issue. students/learners need to know their role or perspective, for whom they are writing the analysis and the specific point(s) they are addressing. This is best implemented in an upper-level course where applications to advanced topics such as public health, environmental impact, healthcare, large-scale synthesis and manufacturing operations, or a proposed engineering approach to a challenge can be evaluated. For example, a chemical company will begin manufacturing a new product. Prepare a memo for management comparing two synthesis methods regarding the required reagents and the logistics of connecting the different synthesis steps. Or prepare a memo for the state EPA outlining predicted amounts of byproducts that will be released into wastewater.

Please contact us at with an example to include!

Social Sciences
Please contact us at with an example to include!

(experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning)
Members of the student conduct board are asked to write a recommendation for disciplinary action following a conduct hearing.

Universal Design of Learning Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Online Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Additional Resources

Keane, E. (2021). Critical Analytic Memoing. C., Vanover, P., Mihas, J. Saldaña,(Eds.), Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data: After the interview, 259-274.

Taylor, J., Andrew, M., & Woodward, D. (2023). Reflexivity & The Quest for Reflective Practice Enhancement. Contemporary Research Topics, 10.

Marsicano, C. R., Martin, R., Bernhardt, A. F., & Rounds, E. G. (2023). The Donut Memo. A Practical Guide to Teaching Research Methods in Education: Lesson Plans and Advice from Faculty, 256.