During a lecture, the instructor pauses at critical points to allow students/learners to catch up on their notes and then exchange them with their neighbors to discuss information they may have missed or written down differently.
Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA production
Individual/Group Activity
Class Size
Small (<25)
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
Development Initial
Transitional Knowing
Minimum Time to Facilitate
16-30 Minutes
MinimumTimeto Debrief
<5 Minutes
Discipline-Specific Examples
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!
Co-Curricular (experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning) Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!
Harahap, K. (2017). Improving students’ achievement in writing narrative text through chain story technique at second grade of Mts Al-Washliyah Tembung (Doctoral dissertation, State Islamic University of North Sumatera): http://repository.uinsu.ac.id/2648/
Uktolseja, L. J., & Gaspersz, S. (2019). Implementation of chain story techniques to improve english speaking ability at imanuel YPK vocational high school, Sorong City. Journal of education and learning (edulearn), 13(4), 490-497: https://edulearn.intelektual.org/index.php/EduLearn/article/view/13327