Four Corners

Designate each of the four corners of a classroom as A, B, C, or D. Pose a multiple-choice question and have students stand in the corner representing their answer choice. Give learners in each corner a chance to share their reasoning and even try to persuade other students to join them.

Individual/Group Activity Group
Class SizeSmall (<25) & Medium (25-50)
Bloom’s Taxonomy LevelAnalyze
Development InitialAbsolute Knowing
Minimum Time to Facilitate< 15 Minutes
Minimum Time to Debrief< 10 Minutes

Discipline-Specific Examples

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
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Social Sciences
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(experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning)
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Universal Design of Learning Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Online Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Additional Resources

Henriques, B. L., Almeida, M. C. S., Gryschek, R. C. B., & Avelino-Silva, V. (2021). Four Corners: an educational strategy for learning infectious diseases in medical school. Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica, 45, e142:

Asmara, R. (2019). Four corners: A strategy to enhance speaking. Language and Education Journal, 4(2), 106-112:

Geraldine, M. (2018). The Effectiveness of Four Corners Strategy in Teaching Writing Hortatory Exposition Text. Int. J. Multi Disipline Sci, 1(2), 95-103: