Jigsaw Discussion

Learners begin in small groups where everyone in each group has been assigned to review the same information, but every group is reviewing different information from other groups. Each group discerns the key points in the material. After they have finished, the groups reshuffle to form new groups with one person from each old group. In these new groups, students take turns teaching each other the key points in the material.

Individual/Group Activity Group
Class SizeSmall (<25) & Medium (25-50)
Bloom’s Taxonomy LevelApply
Development InitialTransitional Knowing
Minimum Time to Facilitate16 – 30 Minutes
Minimum Time to Debrief< 15 Minutes

Discipline-Specific Examples

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

Social Sciences
Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

(experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning)
Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

Universal Design of Learning Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Online Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Additional Resources

Hedeen, T. (2003). The reverse jigsaw: A process of cooperative learning and discussion. Teaching sociology, 31(3), 325-332: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3211330?casa_token=U2oHMDItL0sAAAAA%3AeOyshRl4jLpgOOWCC0prXG0rx3XtSaTlYzUDLBFFiwFDN3WtmfMUeo9u-OmDF2xGGFduE-DaPextYTFKAXv-G5Tthx8z8SUCQw1TM_i5fmnpzxrT0w

Benton, Jr, R. (2016). Put students in charge: A variation on the jigsaw discussion. College Teaching, 64(1), 40-45: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/87567555.2015.1069725?casa_token=bTyqXd8y_DkAAAAA:XyNNDud0dkxvleJ4yBr2mrehkaKwmcXZ00QFg0ktXnHtRx3iY-v5tRw2xHIlpNl_iEoqO5eoofE