Jumbled Sequence

This activity focuses on processes. Give learners the steps in a process on jumbled paper strips and ask them to work together to reconstruct the proper sequence. This approach can strengthen learners’ logical thinking processes and test their mental model of a process.

Individual/Group Activity Group & Individually
Class SizeSmall (<25), Medium (25-50), & Large (51-200)
Bloom’s Taxonomy LevelUnderstand
Development InitialAbsolute Knowing
Minimum Time to Facilitate16 – 30 Minutes
Minimum Time to Debrief< 5 Minutes

Image by SparrowsHome from Pixabay

Discipline-Specific Examples

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

Social Sciences
Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

(experiences outside of the formal classroom but contribute to student learning)
Please contact us at activelearning@uga.edu with an example to include!

Universal Design of Learning Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Online Adaptations

Coming Soon!

Additional Resources

Arjanaiti, R. (2020). THE USE OF JUMBLED SUMMARY STRATEGY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’READING SKILL OF NARRATIVE TEXT TO THE TENTH GRADE OF MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 2 PALEMBANG (Doctoral dissertation, 021008 Universitas Tridinanti Palembang): http://repository.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/955/

Bernstein, D. L., Le Lay, J. E., Ruano, E. G., & Kaestner, K. H. (2015). TALE-mediated epigenetic suppression of CDKN2A increases replication in human fibroblasts. The Journal of clinical investigation, 125(5), 1998-2006: https://www.jci.org/articles/view/77321

Hawkins, J., Pea, R. D., Glick, J., & Scribner, S. (1984). “Merds that laugh don’t like mushrooms”: Evidence for deductive reasoning by preschoolers. Developmental Psychology, 20(4), 584–594. https://doi.org/10.1037/0012-1649.20.4.584