To identify what learners see as significant learning, an instructor stops class a few minutes early and asks learners to respond briefly to some variation on the following two questions: “What was the most important thing you learned during this class?” and “What important questions remain unanswered?” while students record their answers.
Individual/Group Activity | Individually |
Class Size | Small (<25), Medium (25-50), & Large (51-200) |
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level | Remember |
Development Initial | Absolute Knowing |
Minimum Time to Facilitate | < 15 Minutes |
Minimum Time to Debrief | < 5 Minutes |
PDFs | Here |
Additional Resources
Jimoh, A. G., Abanyam, F. E., & Uloko, C. I. (2021). Effect of One-Minute-Paper Cooperative Learning Strategy on Junior Secondary School (JSS2) Students’ Academic Achievement in Business Studies in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Business Education Journal, 14(1), 49-64:
Chiou, C. C., Wang, Y. M., & Lee, L. T. (2014). Reducing statistics anxiety and enhancing statistics learning achievement: Effectiveness of a one-minute strategy. Psychological reports, 115(1), 297-310:
Abbas, H. M., Hameed, A. A., & Aday, H. J. (2018). Effect of one Minute Paper Strategy in Obtaining History Material for Second Grade Students. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9(8):