
In a Quescussion, learners must engage with an idea using only questions. The instructor starts the discussion with an open-ended question. Participants then respond with ONLY open-ended questions (if someone makes a statement, the whole class shouts “Statement!”). Ideally, every student/learner should contribute, and the questions may be recorded.

Individual/Group Activity Group
Class SizeSmall (<25) & Medium (25-50)
Bloom’s Taxonomy LevelUnderstand
Development InitialTransitional Knowing
Minimum Time to Facilitate16 – 30 Minutes
Minimum Time to Debrief< 10 Minutes

Brito, I. S., & Barros, J. P. (2022). Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report. In CSEDU (2) (pp. 654-661): https://www.scitepress.org/PublishedPapers/2022/111085/111085.pdf

Andersson, C., Kroisandt, G., & Logofatu, D. (2019, April). Including active learning in an online database management course for industrial engineering students. In 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 217-220). IEEE: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8725065?casa_token=zPNdoBifP6MAAAAA:7Nfa4tBE_bPbzAAoDoMn8gTrNZNrcsT9Lyxm8dCzqOfk5RcNzdBtpiObzNPAlq2ACN6ni82O

Лабазова, В. Н. (2017). Active learning methods in gender based education. In Научное и образовательное пространство: перспективы развития (pp. 70-75): https://interactive-plus.ru/e-articles/406/Action406-130089.pdf