Within the classroom, the Active Learning Initiative at UGA focuses on developing instructional opportunities that are student-centered, deeply engaging, and build higher-order thinking skills, as well as reflective practices for students. Outside of the classroom setting, the University is providing a consistent framework in which active learning will also be embedded in all students’ co-curricular experiences.
At the University of Georgia, nearly 98 percent of first-year students live in University Housing, making residence halls ideal for discussing and modeling active learning and building on the introduction students will have received during New Student Orientation.
Currently, the University Housing’s Residential Curriculum (called Dawg Path) is a sequenced approach for on-campus student residents that blends the learning and living environments through a curriculum that helps students succeed inside and outside the classroom. This curriculum focuses on wellness, social awareness and responsibility, interpersonal skills, and community building. This curriculum is based on student learning development literature.
As part of the larger Active Learning Initiative, educational activities and initiatives offered in the residential curriculum will be delivered using active learning techniques. Though Housing is responsible for the development and facilitation of this curriculum, the Office of Active Learning will help assess ways in which active learning can be infused into this curriculum and provide any additional information or resources about active learning on campus that may be included within this curriculum.

Learn More About the Dawg Path Curriculum
Resources below offer more information for students about which UGA instructors have earned Active Learning certificates, courses offered for those wishing to learn more about active learning, and suggestions for study skills based on active learning best practices).

Active Learning Faculty
at UGA

Course on Becoming an Active Learner